We are especially happy about the successful launch of our new initiative WOW – Women On The Way in Portugal, an unwavering commitment to gender equality and diversity in the transport sector.
This innovative initiative was presented during the 7th edition of the Salão Nacional do Transporte in Pombal, held from 5 to 7 July.
Here is more information about the event: Andamur at the Salão Nacional do Transporte – Andamur
But, what is WOW?
WOW, Women On The Way, represents Andamur’s commitment to gender equality and diversity. Under this initiative, all actions, projects and programmes designed to increase the visibility and empowerment of women in the transport sector are grouped together.
From truck drivers to fleet managers, entrepreneurs and leaders of companies or associations, women play a vital role in the industry and deserve full recognition and support.
A Memorable Event
The presentation of WOW in Portugal was attended by leading figures from the sector. We were honoured to have Ana Souta, General Director of ANTRAM, and Alexandrina Santos, Truck Driver of Transwhite. Their inspiring interventions highlighted the importance of gender equality and the crucial role of women in transport.
Don’t miss them!:
Committed to Diversity and Inclusion
We believe that diversity and inclusion are fundamental to the growth and development of the transport industry.
Through WOW, we are committed to continuing to support and empower women in this sector and are excited about the future initiatives and programmes we are working on to continue to strengthen gender equality in our industry.
We thank all the attendees and participants of the event, especially Ana Souta and Alexandrina Santos for their valuable contribution, as well as all the women who